Monday, June 8, 2015

RCU History: Chartered 1991 ~~

History of Rotary Club of Uttara
Formation: Rotary Club of Uttara (RCU) was formed on 30th January 1991 with 30 members under the sponsorship of Rotary Club of Dhanmondi. Rtn. A. Rob Chowdhury PHF was the Charter President and Rtn. Mustafa Zaman Abbasi PHF was the District Governor. The Club was chartered on 22nd April 1991 the same year and the certificate was handed over to the Club by District Governor (1991 – 1992) Prof. Jalal U Ahmed PHF. Late Rtn. Ataur Rahman and Rtn. Salim Reza MPHF (PDG) were President and Secretary of Rotary Club of Dhanmondi respectively and Rtn. PP Nurul Islam PHF is the GSR.
Activities & Achievements:
 1991 – 1992: Within few months of its formation, a devastating cyclone and tidal surge battered the coastal areas of Bangladesh on 29th April 1991. RCU distributed Tk. 15,000 and other relief materials to the victims. In less than a month, a tornado of great magnitude hit Gazipur district. Club members again helped the affected people with cash and kind.
1992 – 1993: Rtn. T. I. M. Hasan Imam (Late) was the President. This year was marked with various activities. Two bicycles were donated to Uttara Post Office for the postmen to deliver letters from door to door. In collaboration with the local leaders, the Club constructed a guard room for the railway guards at Kasaibazar railway crossing, Uttara. Four sets of uniforms were also donated to them. The Club organized two eye-camps where 140 patients were operated upon. As part of environmental conservation programme, extensive tree plantation was carried out in and around Uttara. RCU also sponsored Rotaract Club of Uttara. Rtn T I M Hasan Imam died in 1994. Members of RCU remember him with great respect.
1993 – 1994 & 1994 – 1995: Rtn. Dr. Atiar Rahman PHF was the President. The Board was installed through a grand ceremony at Hotel Sonargaon. Notable among the activities in the year were recognition of a police inspector for his dedication in performing professional duty, providing wheel chair to a patient, a successful community de-worming programme at Uttara and tree plantation. RCU sponsored Rotary Club of Dhaka New City, which is at present a very vibrant club. Uttara Central was another club sponsored by RCU which, however, could not sustain.
1995 – 1996 & 1996 – 1997: The club suffered from leadership crisis and was virtually inactive. Rtn A. R. Sarker was the President in 1995 – 96 while Rtn. Dr. Mahfuzul Haque during 1996 – 97.
1997 – 1998: Rtn. Advocate M. N. Mustafa took over as the President. He maintained a good fellowship among the members with his amiable personality and charming disposition.
1998 – 1999: Dr. N. I. Khan was the President. The most remarkable achievement of the year was the First Call Service which was aimed at helping the victims of the devastating flood of 1998. Being an erudite gentleman; he was very keen to inculcate education among people. To this end, he established a Life Long Learning Centre (LLLC) in the Club and arranged books, periodicals and magazines from many national and international organizations. He made an endeavor to collect used books, periodicals, magazines from the residents of Uttara to enrich the centre. However, the project could not live up to its expectation as the response from the people was not up to the mark.
1999 – 2000 (Millennium year): Rtn. Maj. Gen. Dr. A. K. M. Safiullah Khan (Retd.) MC was the Millennium President. The President was able to raise the image of the Club to a considerable height. The President with his experience, prudence and dynamic leadership raised the image of RCU to a considerable height. The President built a new cohesion amidst the members by his comradeship. In this way, he was able to restore momentum and discipline within the Club.
This year was quite eventful. A splendid Installation ceremony was held at Hotel Kinnaree. Rtn. Kobbat Ali, Secretary and Rtn. Rahimul Haque in consultation with the President worked hard together to make the event a grand success.
Various welfare activities were undertaken during this period. A rickshaw van was donated to Sector 3 Welfare Association for collecting house to house garbage. The World Health Organization South-East Asian Anti-Tobacco flame (WHO-SEAAT), while passing through Dhaka, was received by RCU and exhibited in prominent places of Uttara, highlighting the significance of tobacco hazards. Moreover, Blood Donation, National Immunization Day programme and talks pertaining to issues of Rotary and the community by guest lecturers were also organized. RCU received five talent awards from the District, the highest for any Club so far, despite its low membership. This year, the Club started regular publication of the weekly bulletin ‘Turag’. Finally, The Club organized skilled training for three semi- educated youths. Training on Driving (with licenses) for two and welding for the other were arranged.
The most significant achievement of RCU was the formation of Inner Wheel Club of Uttara, which has managed to become vibrant within a short span of time.
2000 – 2001: RCU found the only charter member Rtn Rahimul Haque as its President who with his flamboyant presence and less formal approach in addressing issues drew attention of the members and the visiting guests. Most remarkable of all the activities was RCU’s joining the comprehensive Anti-Dengue Campaign organized by Sector 3 Welfare Association. A big rally was brought out to create awareness amidst the residents of Uttara about the outbreak of dengue and its consequence.
A memorable picnic was organized at Ashulia, Savar. In order to mark the 10th charter celebration of the Club, the President chalked out a wonderful programme. All the Rotarians residing at Uttara were invited. It was rounded off by a pleasant cultural show.
2001 – 2002: The leadership of RCU was handed over to Dr. N. I. Khan for the second time. Rtn Shahnoor Wahid was the Secretary. The experienced President and the project oriented Secretary made it possible to establish a Rotary school for minor domestic helps at Sector 4, Uttara. Dr. N. I. Khan also took the initiative to enroll a talented boy of a poor family background in a school and arranged music lesson for him.
RCU members joined the National Anti-Tobacco rally and a seminar. The Club also organized a lively discussion meet on tobacco where Prof. Zillur Rahman Siddiqui was the Chief Guest. IPP Maj. Gen. Dr. A. K. M. Safiullah Khan (Retd.) presented the key note paper on tobacco hazards. Rotarian of GSE team from USA visited the Club and exchanged fellowship with RCU members. Most important event of the year was increasing its membership strength in response to RI drive for the “Global Quest.” RCU attained the pinnacle of glory to be among the top ten clubs out of over 29,000 in the world. This Club increased the net membership growth by 308%, highest in the District. DG Abdul Ahad, PHF, B, MD recognized Asst. Governor of Area – 8, PP Maj. Gen. A. K. M. Safiullah Khan (Retd.) MC, President Dr. N. I. Khan, Secretary Rtn. Shahnoor Wahid and members Rtn. Lt. Col. Chowdhury Farid Ahmed (Retd.) & Rtn. B. M. Shoaib for their outstanding contribution in materializing this. RCU received an award for this from DG Abdul Ahad, PHF, B, MD. A beautiful globe made of semi-precious stone was received by the President Dr. N. I. Khan on behalf of the Club from the R. I. President at Rotary International Convention at Barcelona, Spain.
2002 – 2003: Col. Mujibur Rahman (Retd.) PHF was the President. He made a brilliant start by methodically presenting the year-launching held at Uttara Club. It was well-organized.
Dengue fever again created panic in the capital. RCU responded to it and joined hands with Uttara Sector 3 Welfare Association to make people aware about it. The President donated a ceiling fan for the office of Sector-3 Welfare Association. It was decided that the Club would find out persons having excellence in respective vocations (Teaching, nursing and security service) in Uttara and recognize them formally. Accordingly, Vocational Service Director PP Maj. Gen. Dr. A. K. M. Safiullah Khan (Retd) and member Rtn. S. A. Baten personally went round 30 Schools, 12 Hospitals and Clinics and to various Sector (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9) Welfare Association at Uttara to familiarize them with the theme of the project. The award ceremony was conducted at Uttara Club Ltd. PDGs, Rotarians, Rotary Anns, lets, IWC members, Rotaractors and distinguished guests of Uttara were present. RCU got a District award for this.
The Club was also very dynamic in terms of fellowship. A grand picnic was hosted by the owner of S. H. Castle Rtn. Shamsul Huda on Dhaka Chittagong high way. It was enjoyable and well-attended. RCU collected winter clothes from people and distributed those to the sufferers. Mrs. Razia Sultana, one of the past members of RCU and the Charter President of IWC Uttara arranged collection of winter clothes worth Tk. 20,000/- from RAOWA (Retired Armed Force Officers Welfare Association) for this purpose. On behalf of the Club, Rtn. Commander Shahidur Rahman (Retd.) & Rtn. Salamatullah went to Alamdanga, Kushtia for distributing these.
The President took initiative in arranging operation of a poor child with “hare-lip” by a team of experts visiting the country. RCU received an award for this from the District. The club participated in the District Award Ceremony and received five awards.
2003 – 2004: Soft spoken and a man of pleasant temperament, Rtn. Mirza M. A. Rouf was the President. He had the advantage of having young & agile Rtn. B. M. Shoaib as the Secretary. This year, the Anti Dengue awareness & prevention programme was jointly carried out by RCU, Sector 3 Welfare Association and IWC of Uttara.
Another project “Free Health Care Centre” was organized. This project was conceived in 1993 – 1994 but could not be implemented. The Free Health Care Centre is jointly sponsored by RCU, Sector 3 Welfare Association & IWC of Uttara. The Centre remains open on Fridays for general treatment and on Saturdays for family welfare programmes. RCU joined an enjoyable picnic organized by Uttara Morning Walkers Association of which PP Major General Dr. A. K. M. Safiullah Khan (Retd.) was the President.
2004 – 2005 (CENTENNIAL YEAR): Rtn. Shahnoor Wahid and Rtn. B. M. Shoaib were the Centennial President and Secretary respectively. The Club started working actively right from the day one. The Year Launching was arranged at the Red Fort Restaurant in a befitting manner. A large number of eminent personalities and family members of Rotary attended the programme.
Membership development was the major target of the year. Within first three months RCU was able to induct eight new members all of whom are very energetic and successful in their profession. The membership strength was 34, a growth of 113 percent. Retention was 100 percent.
The club weekly bulletin “Turag” got a new facelift with a printed cover. The second Rotary School for the domestic child workers came into being at Sector 5. A grand event was organized to commemorate centennial ceremony of Rotary in December 2004. Five renowned personalities were given RCU recognition awards for their outstanding career record and service to the community. On 22 February, 2004 RCU celebrated the birthday of Rotary by releasing 100 balloons, including a large one containing the names of 128 Rotary Clubs of Bangladesh. A centennial cake was shared among many community leaders in a programme held at the office of Sector 3 Welfare Association. A number of articles written by the Centennial President on Rotary activities were also published in newspapers and Governor’s monthly letter. An enjoyable picnic was organized. The venue was offered by Rtn. S. A. Kader of Rotary Club of Ramna.
On 17th June 2005 National Professor Dr. Nurul Islam was accorded a reception by RCU for receiving prestigious WHO award for his contribution to Anti-Tobacco movement in Bangladesh. RCU received two awards from the District. One for the highest membership retention and the other for Protection of Child Rights.
2005 – 2006: The new century plus Rotary year popularly known as 101 saw an evergreen elderly President Rtn. A. F. Kabir. He took it up as a challenge to groom the young directors for future leadership. A colourful year launching programme was held on 1st July, Friday in club’s regular weekly meeting. It coincided with the family get together of Rotary-Ann’s. The 15th Installation ceremony of the Board of Directors was held on 22ndJuly 2005 with Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya, Executive Director, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) as the Chief Guest and DG Salim Reza as the special guest. The programme was attended among others by 4 PDGs, 17 Rotary Club Presidents & large number of dignitaries. The membership strength increased from 28 to 37. Retention of members was 100%.
The club continued the following permanent projects:–
a. Free Health Care Center at Sector 3 Uttara.
b. School for under-privileged children at Sector 4.
c. School for under-privileged children at Sector 5.
New innovative projects like widow subsistence allowance, micro credit, safe drinking water, birth registration, rights of women were undertaken with the assistance of “Fauzia Matin Memorial Welfare Trust” in a remote Village of Wilipur under Chandpur district. Guest speakers spoke on different subjects during weekly meetings. Members were encouraged to speak on their own profession in the Club meetings. The President sent SMS to the members for attending regular weekly meetings. He used to present self-composed Bengali poem on different topics which were published in the weekly Bulletin Turag. These added new flavour and worked as a catalyst for the members to attend the meeting.
2006 – 2007: A relatively young energetic Board of Directors led by Rtn. B. M. Shoaib PHF took the challenge to carry forward the torch of Rotary Club of Uttara. The President made a brilliant start by taking up a tree plantation project at Uttara Sector 3 playground on 5th July 2007. The programme was attended by Dr. Hafizul Islam Bhuiyan Kusum, Dhaka City Corporation Ward Commissioner, PDG Magfur Uddin Ahmed PHF, B, Governor’s Special aide PP Maj. Gen. Dr. A. K. M. Safiullah Khan (Retd.) MC and majority of RCU members. In addition, Inner Wheel District Chairman Razia Sultana along with the President and members of IWC Uttara, Presidents of different sector Welfare Associations were present in the function. To make the residents aware of the activities of RCU, printed T-shirts were distributed to the garbage cleaners of all the sectors of Uttara the same day.
A colourful Installation ceremony, Club charter day, fellowship dinners and an entertaining picnic were organized. Club Service Director Rtn. Khondakar Shahidul Hasan Feroz introduced incentives to members for timely attendance in the weekly regular meetings. Eminent persons were invited as guest speakers to make the meetings eye-catching.
RCU imparted computer training for the young people and recognized four renowned personalities of Uttara for vocational excellence.
Innovative fund raising programme and financial assistance by the President, Community Service Director Rtn. Salauddin Ahmed, PHF helped in implementing all the projects. Besides continuing the permanent projects, new projects like free health care centre at Sector- 6, Uttara and IWC, Uttara, library project for Uttara Girls High School, distribution of sewing machines, books for school-going street children at Bogra, wheel chair distribution and treatment assistance to institutions and individuals were organized. The Club also took part in disaster management in December 2007 and distributed winter clothes to poor people of a village at Panchagar.
The Club contribution of US $ 2,400.00 to TRF was the highest so far. Rtn. Shafiqul Islam & Rtn. B. M. Shoaib became Paul Harris Fellow (PHF). RCU went global by opening its website This was possible due to the efforts of young member Rtn. Tanvir Arafath and Rtn. Wasiuddin Al Mashud RFSM, the Vocational Service Director.
Time management in the regular weekly meetings, recognition of the members for their achievements by the President, communication with the members by the Secretary and co-ordination between President and Secretary went a long way in involving members in the Club activities. The year-long activity ended with a fellowship dinner hosted by Club President Rtn. B. M. Shoaib PHF on 6th May 2007 at Uttara Club Ltd. It was attended among others by the District Governor Rtn. M. Aminuzzaman Bhuiyan PHF, B.
2007 – 2008: An impressive elderly Rtn. Advocate M. M. Kobbat Ali, RFSM and young energetic Rtn. Kh. Shahidul Hasan Feroz PHF took over as the President and Secretary respectively. The Board of Directors comprised both veteran and young members.
Besides continuing five permanent and on-going ones, new projects like eye camp at Putia, establishment of Library project at Uttara Girls High School jointly with RC Metro Kualalampur, Malaysia for a period of five years were taken up.RCU provided support and assistance to the devastating flood & SIDOR victims in the Southern belt of the country. RCU also took part in joint project with RC Bogra. Programs like tree plantation, smooth running of two schools for minor domestic help, two health-care centres, joint project with RC Bogra on sewing machine, library assistance to RC Mohasthangar distribution of winter clothes to Bhabadaha & SIDOR affected people, wheel chairs to five disabled at Gazipur, blind students eye operation program of RC Patuakhali & RC Pirojpur observation of club charter day, fellowship dinners, Installation ceremony, enjoyable picnic were also organized. The Club members contributed US $ 1,000 to TRF. Incentives for timely attendance in weekly club meetings continued. Finally RCU organized computer based skilled training for three youths and presented them with awards. Recognition of members’ achievements by the President, interaction with the members by the Secretary and co-ordination between the President and the Secretary went a long way in attaining Club goals.
2008 – 2009: The responsibility of the Club was shouldered on to Rtn. Adv. Zahid Hossain PHF. He set a record by making 7 Rotarians as PHF and 9 as RFSM. The club contributed US $ 7,800.00 to TRF, setting a new record for which RCU received the second prize in the Annual Award Giving Ceremony. Seven new members joined RCU which met the prescribed ratio of membership growth as designed by Rotary International. The Club also received the second prize for membership development in the Annual Award Giving Ceremony. President organized a number of innovative projects of which The Beggar Alleviation Project (BAPRO – a joint project with RC Shantinagar Dhaka for 5 years) located in Vakurta, Savar is worth mentioning. The land was provided by Mr. Qazi Raquibul Islam PHF of RC Shantinagar. DG Mr. Hafizullah along with the district officials and the Rotarians from different clubs joined the programme. Pahela Boishakh fellowship get-together was held on 14th April 2009 and 100 tree saplings were planted in the same place.
A remarkable picnic lasting for two days was held in Barisal. It was jointly organized by RCU, R.C. Barisal Kirtonkhola, Barisal Rupatali. A discussion meeting on multifarious problems of Uttara Model Town was held at the office of Sector 4 Welfare Association, Uttara where the President, Secretary, members and officials of different sectors were present. A new project of ‘Light the Rickshaw’ was organized where 100 hurricane lamps were distributed among the rickshaw pullers. Under the project ‘Fixing Reflectors’, a few hundred reflectors were distributed and fixed on the back of the rickshaws. It was highly appreciated by the District. As a result, the District adopted the project and distributed several thousand reflectors to all the clubs. The President expressed his willingness to work on it and solve the problem permanently.RCU successfully continued its permanent project of the Rotary Community School at Sector 4. The number of students increased from 45 to 74.
An Iftar party was organized at Ekushey Restaurant. It was attended by the Rotarians, Rotary-Anns, Rotary-Lets and the Inner Wheel Club members. A fellowship dinner was also organized by IPP, President and President- elect of RCU at Voot er Adda Chinese Restaurant, Uttara. President Rtn. Md. Zahid Hossain PHF suggested observing it every year. Club members unanimously approved it.RCU undertook two blood donation projects, 3 N.I.D. centres, distributed clothes among van drivers of Sector- 3 Welfare Association, distributed winter clothes in the northern districts, provided financial assistance to Azimpur maternity centre, distributed sewing machines(two) to RC Bogra New Town, extended monetary help to a cancer patient( son of a freedom fighter),arranged computer training for the orphans at Azampur Hafizia Madrasha and Etimkhana at Azampur Uttara.
RCU sponsored Rotary Club of Shantinagar Dhaka. President Rtn. Zahid Hossain PHF was the G.S.R. of the sponsored club. On behalf of RCU, he was the sole participant to attend the R. I. convention held in Birmingham, U. K. RCU bagged two prizes – One for membership development and the other for TRF contribution and another one for sponsoring a new club in the District award ceremony.
2009 – 2010: Khondakar Shahidul Hasan (Feroz) PHF was the youngest President of RCU so far. His mission was to raise the image of the Club at home and abroad. The initiative of blending the prudence of the Past Presidents along with the dynamism of the young club members resulted in grand success.
Formal Installation of the President and his Board was held on 10th July 2009 in a befitting manner. The original Charter certificate is considered to be the most valuable assets of a Rotary club. It was however, not in the possession of RCU for a long time. With his tact, tenacity and perseverance, the President was able to recover and present the charter certificate (original) before the members on 22nd April 2010 in its 18th Charter Day. For this reason, the Charter Day celebration was of utmost significance this year. The image of the club was raised manifold by hosting two District Functions for the first time by Rotary Club of Uttara. These are the TRF Seminar 2009 under Governor A. K. M. Shamsul Huda PHF and District Membership Seminar 2010 under the DG Elect Dr. Monzurul Hoque Chowdhury MPHF, MC. Holding two District Seminars under two DG’s in the same year is really an achievement for the club. The President, Rtn PP Dr. Md. Shahadat Hossain MPHF who chaired both seminars and the members of Rotary Club of Uttara deserve special recognition for that.
Besides running five permanent projects, many joint projects were taken up as well as seminars were arranged with other clubs. Special importance about attendance in the regular weekly meeting by giving incentive and recognition resulted in a satisfactory average yearly attendance of 53%. In order to familiarize RCU abroad, the President visited a number of Clubs in France, Dubai, Malaysia, and India. He also exchanged club banners with 37 clubs coming from Russia, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Poland, Nigeria, New Zealand, Brazil, India, Dubai and Malaysia in the RI Convention held in USA. Eight new members were inducted this year. US $ 2,700 was contributed to TRF. Rtn. PP Dr. Md. Shahadat Hossain became MPHF. RCU obtained first prize in Vocational Excellence Award under Vocational Service Category under the leadership of Club President and Program Chair Rtn. M. M. Khaleque Chowdhury RFSM. The activities of the year ended on 25th June 2010 with the 45th weekly meeting.
2010 – 2011: This year, young and energetic Rtn. M. N. Kabir MPHF took over as the President. Highlighting the importance of ecological conservation, he undertook the voyage with a tree plantation project at Gazipur. The President kept the tempo of introducing the Club and upholding its image at home and abroad by visiting a number of Clubs of the District and also at Malaysia and India. He exchanged Installation souvenir TURAG with fifty seven clubs.
Rtn M. N. Kabir MPHF was formally adorned with President’s collar through a gorgeous and well attended Installation Ceremony on 01 August, 2010 at Uttara Club. A full page special supplement on the Ceremony was published in the English DailyThe News Today,the same day. Besides continuing the five permanent ones, other new projects were taken up and seminars were arranged jointly with other Clubs. RCU observed the International Mother Language Day on 21st February 2011, organized winter cloth distribution program at Rangpur giving away huge number of blankets and sweaters jointly with RC Gulshan. Since long, RCU had been thinking of erecting a Billboard for displaying the 4 way test of Rotary. This year, the President eventually made it possible and the billboard has been placed at a prime location of Banani. The most significant achievement is the Matching Grand Project “Adopt a Village – Ending Poverty one Village at a time – Masterpara, Dakhin Khan, Dhaka.” with International Partners Rotary club of Oakville Trafalgar, Canada-first of its kind in the history of RCU (Total cost of the project is USD 41,361.00). To make regular weekly meetings attractive, many efforts were made and guest speakers were invited to speak on Rotary and other important non-political issues. The incentives and recognition for timely attendance in the meetings continued. This endeavour yielded positive result and increased the average yearly attendance to 73%.
The activities round the year were well acknowledged and RCU received accolades from the District during the award giving ceremony on 29th June 2011. The Club received the following awards and recognitions:
   Matching Grant Project Implementation.
   Special Recognition Award for Outstanding Public Image Building Activities.
   Special Recognition Award for Organizing District Membership Seminar 2010
   District Outstanding Leadership – as Dedicated Club President in Rotary Year 2010-2011.
   In addition, Rtn PP Dr. Md. Shahadat Hossain MPHF got individual recognition from the District as Chairman of the Membership Seminar 2010 and District Interact Committee.
2011-12: Rtn. Dr. Md. A. H. Zahidul Islam (Romel) became the youngest president of the RC of Uttara for the RY 2011-12. A dedicated Rotaractor and Rotarian, he took the lead in preparing for his tenure well in advance with the Club Secretary Rtn. Kalim and the Board, and hence started the year smoothly with the DG’s visit and the Installation Ceremony of the Board of Directors within 2 weeks of RY commencement. The club saw a membership growth of 10.26% , which included high profile members transfer from other clubs, and in the special lady member segment, achieved the required growth target of 1% .The regular programs were continued with ever increasing focus. Among these, the high profile Vocational Excellence Award Program was held in November’2012 with the distinguished presence of Chief Guest Prof. Dr. M. A. Sattar Mandal, Member Planning Commission & former VC of Bangladesh Agriculture University and the DG Rtn. A. H. M. Zaker, among others. Other notable and prestigious participations of RCU during the RY, came in the form of being one of the host clubs in the IRYLA, the “sleeping kits distribution program” for poor children in Rangpur, Adopt a Student program, donation of wheel chair, music system and medicines to The Cheshire Homes in Sector 9, Uttara, a total of 22 members with their families’ participation in the Rotary Convention in Bangkok, active participation during the visit of RI President Kalyan Banerjee, Rotary District Job fair (one of the Host clubs),sponsoring RC Aabahanikunja, sewing machines distribution program in Dhaka and Bogra, seminar on safe blood transfusion, Partnering with BIRDEM in treatment of hormonal disorder patients and the successful completion of phase 1 of Matching Grant project of RCU: the “MasterPara Adopt a Village” project. The 2nd phase of the project also began smoothly. Among the regular projects and programs were the Free Friday Health Canters at Sector 3 and Sector 6, two tree plantation programs, the winter garments distribution programs at Rangpur, eye camp at Rangpur, the school for underprivileged children at Sector 4, financial aid to deserving student, blood donation program and donation of computers to school. Towards enhancement of the Club image abroad, 2 RCU members attended the Bali Institute program in Indonesia, hosted the GSE team members from the US and Canada and there were several exchanges of visits between Rotarians from RCU and Rotarians from the UK, USA, Japan and India. RCU celebrated the 1000th Regular Weekly Meeting on 13th April 2012 and a grand gala year closing dinner followed by cultural program was also held on 29th June  2012. In this year RCU organized the District membership Seminar 2012 on 25th May 2012 as a chief organizing club. Rtn. PP Dr. Md. Shahadat Hossain mphf, b was the seminar chair. In this RY RCU contributed US $ 5,479.00 in TRF fund with 2 new PHF and also contributed in the Polio Plus fund for the first time in the history of RCU. A special page supplement on DG visit and Installation ceremony on 15th July 2011 and club activities news regularly published in The Daily Sunthis year.
RCU bagged two awards from the District for the RY in the category of Vocational excellence award (3rd Best Club) & Highest attendance in the R. I. Convention in Bangkok (3rd Best Club) in this year.
2012-13: President Rtn. Salauddin Ahmed took over a midst several uncertainties and managed to overcome them in the shortest possible time. Supported by the Secretary, Rtn. Riffat Jahan Lisa, the year was an example of unprecedented success particularly in the area of TRF. The club achieved Major Donor status for 3 members and Benefactor status for 2 members along with total contributions to the TRF amounting to a record total of USD 22700. The club became an all RFSM club in the beginning months of the RY and finally ended with an effort to make the club an all PHF club.A no. of 24 Rotarians and 2 Rotary lets became PHF during RY 2012-13. Notably RC Uttara carved a name for itself in the District by organizing successfully the District Assembly with about 1200 participants. The District Appreciation and Changeover night on 30th June at the Marriot Convention Center was also a successful event organized by RC Uttara.
The permanent projects of the club continued smoothly. Among them were the School for poor project, the scholarship projects, the educational material assistance project, the free Friday Health Care projects, the pusti box distribution project, the sleeping kits distribution project, the winter clothes and blankets distribution project,the medical assistance to BIRDEM and Cheshire Homes project and the sewing machine distribution projects. The year saw some catastrophic events like the Savar Rana Plaza tragedy where outside of any plan the club rushed in to provide relief. A sum of around Tk. 30,000.00 was spent for the purpose and many man hours were spent in reaching the relief to the most needy and deserving victims.
It was not all work and no play. The fellowship events during the year were most enjoyable. Notably among them were the annual picnic,the club iftar party, the Charter night celebrations and the participation in many International events.
Rtn. PP Kh. Shahidul Hasan phf of RCU had proposed the name with activities of Ms.Valerie Ann Taylor of CRP through Club President to The Rotary International District 3450 (Hongkong, Macau & Mongolia) for “THE ONE” Award, especially given to a caring individual who truly puts Service Above Self. After proper judgment from the nominating committee, finally she was selected “THE ONE” winner and got the award and prize money of US$ 100,000.00 donated by the award sponsor Richer Elman.
Rtn. Salauddin Ahmed and PP Rtn. Alauddin Ahmed of RC Dhaka Cosmopolitan have given 5 katha land to RC Uttara at Moinartek, Uttarkhan to establish a Mother & Child care care center and RC Uttara has already initiated the work.
All the year round efforts were finally recognized when the club was awarded 7 awards in different categories and 4 awards in individual category. This number of awards was in itself a record and recognition of the achievements during the RY and reached the club image to new proud heights.

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