Saturday, July 23, 2016

2016-17 Minutes No.1198 Date: 15 July

Weekly Bulletin     TURAG  RC Uttara
RY 2016-17                                                 Dist: 3281                                                     Issue: 03

Heartiest Congratulations !!

District 3281 Team member (2016-17) from RC Uttara-
1.     PP Dr. Shahadat Hossain PHF, B, MD- Governor’s Special Aid
2.     PP Khondakar Shahidul Hasan (Feroz) MPHF – Chairman, RYLA
3.     PP Mosharraf Hossain PHF – Assistant Governor
4.     PP Salauddin Ahmed PHF, B, MD, PHS – Committee member, RYLA
5.     PP M N Kabir MPHF – Committee Member
6.     PP Engr. Kalimur Rahman PHF – Committee member, GML
7.     Rtn. PP Riffat Jahan Lisa PHF, MD – Committee Member, Early act
** District Interact Representative (DIR) - Intr. Nusrat Anan, Interact Club of Uttara Glory

Birthday Wishes !!

R-Ann Tanjida Khanom spouse of Rtn. Md. Shahadat Hossain PHF                  BD         22 July
R-Ann Razia Sultana spouse of Rtn. Abdur Rahman Munshi                             BD         28 July

                              Wedding Wishes !!
R-Ann Tania Sultana spouse of Rtn. Md. Shamsul Karim                                  WA       24 July
Rtn. Julhas Alam PHF & R–Ann Salina Chowdhury                                          WA       26 July
Rtn. Abdullah Al Mamun PHF & R–Ann Umme Salma                                     WA       27 July

In House Speaker: RCU members Classification Talk- Please Show your Interest
(Hints: About Your life & Education, Professional Life-Reason of Choosing Particular Profession, Interesting ideas & message for members, Way of contribution to family, friends & nations)

New Member Induction:
Akteruzzaman, Syed, Member Id: 9666215, Cl: Manufacturing Knit, In: 15 July 2016, Bd: November 05, Wd: July 06, Hpc: Member, Bg: A+, Sp: Asma Akter, Bd: December 12, Bg: na, Ma: House # 30, Road # 16, Sector # 13, Uttara, Dhaka - 1230, Bangladesh, Tel (O): 48951293, Mob: +8801819472652, E-mail:
Karim, Md. Shamsul, Member Id: 9666228, Cl: International Trading, In: 15 July 2016, Bd: December 25, Wd: June 24, Hpc: Member, Bg: O+, Sp: Tania Sultana, Bd: November 23, Bg: O+, Ma: Genetic Regent, Flat # 3/A, House # 35, Road # 07, Sector # 03, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Ph: (O) 02-8960350, Mob: +8801711521186, E-mail:

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Minutes of 1198th Regular Weekly Meeting

Date: Friday, 15th July 2016                                                       Time: 10:30 Hours 

Venue: Uttara Club Ltd., Plot # 06, Road # 09, Sector # 01, Uttara, Dhaka-1230.

Meeting called to order: By Club President Wasiuddin Al Mashud PHF at 10.30 am sharp.

National Anthem: Led by Rtn. A. H. M. Humayun Kabir PHF

Rotary Invocation: Led by Rtn. Mohd. Muin Uddin Latif Hasan PHF

Presidents Opening Remarks: President drew the attention of the members present about Security & safety for every movement of Rotary colleagues under the present situation, because Rotary and Rotarians always believe in peace. He introduced one visiting Rotarian, Rtn. PP Rezaul Karim PHF of RC Chittagong Shagorika and District Secretary Elect for RY 2017-18 of Dist. 3282.

Reminders to the Members: President Mashud proudly noted that the sponsored clubs of Rotary Club of Uttara is now Seven. President also said that his team is trying work with them jointly for their smooth functioning.

Confirmation of minutes: The minutes of the 1197th RWM were confirmed. Confirmation was proposed by Rtn. PP Engr. Kalimur Rahman PHF and seconded by Rtn. Mohd. Muinddin Latif Hasan PHF.

Apologies / Regrets: Rtn. Shafiqul Islam MPHF.

Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Greetings:

President announced birthday wishes. Birthday gifts handed over by Rtn. PP Maj. Gen. (Retd.) A K M Safiullah Khan PHF, MC and gifts sponsored by Rtn. PP Engr. Kalimur Rahman PHF.
Rtn. Mohd. Muinuddin Latif Hasan PHF has kindly volunteered to sponsor birthday gifts for the month of August 2016.
Mail:    President Rtn. Wasiuddin Al Mashud PHF informed about the proposal letter from Rtn. Patrik Biswas PHF from RC Rajshahi Padma and Rtn. PP Dr. Shahadat discussed about the proposed cancer hospital project of RC Rajshahi Padma. There was also a request to President  from Rtn. Rajesh, IPP RC Bandar Sungai Patani for an advertisement to by RCU or any member of RCU. The matter is to be taken up by BOD in the next board meeting.

Club Business:
President introduced new member Rtn. Md. Shamsul Karim proposed by Rtn. PP Lisa and he was formally inducted by PP Rtn. Dr. Maj. Gen. (Retd.) A K M Safiullah Khan PHF, MC with Rotary PIN.

Treasurer Time: Club Treasurer Rtn. Md. Nurn Nabi PHF announced that he received 31 cheques with full payment & 08 cheques received with part payment. He requested upon members to make payments as soon as possible.
PP A F Kabir PHF briefly discussed about Zakat & its fund as Sub Committee Chairman of Student Scholarship Fund and Educational Assistance. He also raised fund commitment from members and starting by Paying Tk.10,000.00, Rtn. PP Dr. Maj. Gen. A K M Safiullah Khan MC, PHF announced 10,000.00 Taka, Rtn. Nurn Nabi PHF 5000.00 taka and Rtn. Capt. Matin PHF 5000.00 Taka.

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Club Trainer: Rtn. Kalimur Rahman PHF took time to say that everybody received a note book of Rotary year 2016-17. He requested  all members to go through the book  to get answers to frequently asked questions as well as general information about members. He said that the book contained a wealth of information as well as Uttara Club dress code. He specially insisted upon the standing & subcommittee chair, co-chair and members to go through the book  which may help them to respond to DG on DG’s visit and club assembly. Also he discussed about the monthly & yearly plan of Rotary etc.

In House Speaker: Rtn. PP A F Kabir PHF
In-house guest speaker Rtn. PP A F Kabir PHF said about his whole life during student & service life & his achievements as well as  his personal & retired life. He served a key note paper to the present members. After his valued and interesting life style speech, members raised several questions. Rtn. PP Kalimur Rahman PHF enquired about the “minister” designation at Bangladesh Foreign Mission  as technical point and Speaker replied in details. Rtn. A H M Humayun Kabir PHF also took part in the question and answer session.

Members Time:
Club President Rtn. Wassiuddin Al Mashud PHF thanked  all the honored members. He gave floor to some members to say something about their rotary experience. Also he congratulated to the Son of Rtn. PP. MN Kabir MPHF who obtained GPA-5.00 at SSC Exam on English Version. We feel proud of his success as well as the contribution of his parents & wish him the best.

Rtn. Md. Shahadat Hossain PHF request to all senior members of RCU to maintain meeting decorum and not talk without prior permission of sitting president.

Fun & Fellowship Times: Fun & Fellowship chairman Rtn. Engr. A.K.M Rezaul Karim PHF said that at  different stages people behave  differently, and he had done the same different acting in his life. He gave an importance on the in-house speaker that the discussion should be about  different interesting topics and not rotary activity always.

On Time Award: Sponsored by Rtn. Muktara Khanam PHF and Won by Rtn. Engr. A.K.M Rezaul Karim PHF

Perfect Time Award: Sponsored By Rtn. PP K S Hasan Feroz MPHF and Won by Rtn. PP. B M Shoaib PHF

Announcement:  Club Secretary Rtn. Syed Shah Nazmul Hoque (Ripon) MPHF, B, PHS announced that the RWM 1199th will be held on the Friday July 22, 2016 at Uttara Club Ltd., Prim Rose Lounge (Swimming Pool Building) at 10.30am sharp.

Sgt-At-arms report: Sgt.-At-Arms report, as under:

Date                    : 15 July 2016
Meeting number   : 1198
Total Member       : 73
Member Present   : 28
Fellowship missed : 45
Excused member  : 00
On Leave             : 00
Club Guest           : 00
Visiting Rotarian       : 01
Visiting Guest           : 00
Visiting Rotaractor    : 00
Visiting Intaractor     : 00
Visiting RCC member : 00
Make up in advance  : 12
Percentage in RWM  : 54.80 %
Sunshine (Taka)       : 500.00

Meeting Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11.40 hours.                         
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The 2016 Council on Legislation may well be remembered as one of the most progressive in Rotary history.
Not only did this Council grant clubs more freedom in determining their meeting schedule and membership, it also approved an increase in per capita dues of $4 a year for three years. The increase will be used to enhance Rotary’s website, improve online tools, and add programs and services to help clubs increase membership.
The Council is an essential element of Rotary’s governance. Every three years, members from around the world gather in Chicago to consider proposed changes to the policies that govern the organization and its member clubs. Measures that are adopted take effect 1 July.
The tone for this year was set early, when the RI Board put forth two proposals that increase flexibility. The first measure allows clubs to decide to vary their meeting times, whether to meet online or in person, and when to cancel a meeting, as long as they meet at least twice a month. The second allows clubs flexibility in choosing their membership rules and requirements. Both passed.
Representatives also approved removing six membership criteria from the RI Constitution and replacing them with a simple requirement that a member be a person of good character who has a good reputation in their business or community and is willing to serve the community.
The $4 per year dues increase was based on a five-year financial forecast that predicted that if Rotary didn’t either raise dues or make drastic cuts, its reserves would dip below mandated levels by 2020.
The yearly per capita dues that clubs pay to RI will be $60 in 2017-18, $64 in 2018-19, and $68 in 2019-20. The next council will establish the rate after that.
“We are at a moment in time when we must think beyond the status quo,” said RI Vice President Greg E. Podd. “We must think about our future.”
Podd said the dues increase will allow RI to improve My Rotary, develop resources so clubs can offer a better membership experience, simplify club and district reporting, improve website access for Rotaractors, and update systems to keep Rotary in compliance with changing global regulations.
Also because of this Council’s decisions:
Ø  A Council on Resolutions will meet annually online to consider resolutions — recommendations to the RI Board. Council members will be selected for three-year terms. They’ll participate in the Council on Resolutions for three years and the Council on Legislation in their final year only. The Council on Resolutions will free the Council on Legislation to concentrate on enactments — changes to Rotary’s governing documents. Proponents predict that the Council on Legislation can then be shortened by a day, saving $300,000.
Ø  Rotaractors will be allowed to become members of Rotary clubs while they are still in Rotaract. Proponents argued that too few Rotaractors join Rotary. Sometimes it’s because they don’t want to leave their Rotaract clubs before they have to, upon reaching age 30. It’s hoped that giving them more options will boost the numbers of qualified young leaders in Rotary.
Ø  The distinction between e-clubs and traditional clubs will be eliminated. The Council recognized that clubs have been meeting in a number of ways, and given this flexibility, the distinction was no longer meaningful. Clubs that have “e-club” in their names can keep it, however.
Ø  The reference to admission fees will be removed from the bylaws. Proponents argued that the mention of admission fees does not advance a modern image of Rotary.
Ø  A standing committee on membership was established, in recognition that membership is a top priority of the organization, and polio eradication was also reaffirmed to be a goal of the highest order.                

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2016-17 Minutes No 1197: 1st July

Weekly Bulletin     TURAG  RC Uttara
RY 2016-17                                                 Dist: 3281                                                     Issue: 02

Dear Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
Please accept my sincere greetings and best wishes of the Rotary year 2016-17.It is my privilege to note that the preparation of new journey to achieve the objective of great organization by the motto "Rotary Serving Humanity" with high ethical standard and work for International understanding and peace. In Rotary, We know what legacy we are leaving for the world. When Rotarians see a need, they meet it. When Rotarians see conflict, they work to bring peace. Rotary has shown us the value of integrity, compassion, and dedication and in Rotary we have the family members around the world.
Let us move ahead to make an effective and memorable Rotary Year 2016-17 and we make a huge difference together.
Masud A Khan
Bulletin Editor

Birthday Wishes !!

Rtn. Muhammad Nurun Nabi ACA, PHF                                                                                 BD       15 July
R-Ann Afsana Parvin spouse of Rtn. Muhammad Nurun Nabi ACA, PHF BD       16 July

Wedding Wishes !!             Classification Talk(In House Speaker):

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   On 15th July 2016, Friday-
 কিছুই কব না, কার বিয়ে নাই                Rtn. PP Ahmed Fazlul Kabir PHF
Son of Rtn. PP M N Kabir MPHF got GPA 5 IN SSC (ENGLISH VERSON). We feel proud for his success as well as parents contributions. May ALLAH bless him and we wish his bright future.

New Member Induction:
Sumon, Kazi Md. Nazrul Islam, Member ID:9653212, Cl: Travel Service, In: 01 July 2016, Bd: January 05, Wd: March 30, Bg: O+, Sp: Zaynab Munni, Bd: April 11, Bg: B+, Ma: House # 4, Ground Floor, Road # 13, Sector # 01, Uttara, Dhaka-1230. Tel (O): 02-48950309, M: 01715023591, eMail:
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Minutes of 1197th Regular Weekly Meeting

Date: Friday, 1st July 2016                                                       Time: 10:35 Hours 

Venue: Hotel Afford Inn., House # 04, Road # 03, Sector # 01, Uttara, Dhaka-1230.

Meeting called to order: By Club President
Rtn. Wasiuddin Al Mashud PHF

Holy Quran Recitation: By Rtn. PP Khondakar Shahidul Hasan (Feroz) MPHF

National Anthem: Led by Rtn. PP Dr. Md. Shahadat Hossain PHF, B, MD.

Rotary Invocation: Led by Rtn.
PP Mosharraf Hossain PHF.

President’s Opening Remarks: Club Immediate past President Rtn. Salma Ahmed PHF introduced & handed over  President’s Collar to Rtn. Wasiuddin al Mashud PHF as new President of Rotary Club of Uttara for RY 2016-17 in presence of all Rotarians present. All members welcomed him as the new president and thanked IPP Rtn.Salma for a successful year.
President Mashud introduced the new Board of directors to the RCU members and members welcomed them with claps.

President Wasiuddin al Mashud PHF informed that the Birthday Gift will be sponsored by Rtn. PP. Engr. Kalimur Rahman PHF for July 2016, On Time award will be sponsored for whole year by Rtn. Muktara Khanam PHF, Perfect Time award will be sponsored for 1st three month by Rtn. PP. Khondakar Shahidul Hasan (Feroz) MPHF for 2nd three month by Syed Akbar Ali PHF & the last six month by Rtn. Sadekun Naher Shilpe PHF. And wedding anniversary gift for full year will be sponsored by Rtn. Shafiqul Islam PHF.

Confirmation of minutes: The minutes of the 1196th RWM were confirmed. Confirmation was proposed by Rtn. Bishnu Gopal Chatterjee MPHF, B and seconded by Rtn. PP  Engr. Kalimur Rahman PHF.

Apologies / Regrets: Rtn. Shafiqul Islam MPHF,  Rtn. Engr. Md. Maksudur Rahman PHF and by email Rtn. S. Ainul Hoque PHF from Korea.

Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Greetings: Birthday Greetings to Rtn. Shafiqul Islam MPHF, Rtn. Abdur Rahman Munshi, Rtn. CP A. Rob Chowdhury PHF  and wedding greetings to Rtn. Syed Akbar Ali MPHF.

Mail:    President Rtn. Wasiuddin Al Mashud PHF informed that the Year launching Ceremony will be held on July 14, 2016 at the Sena Malancha and  Registration fee is Tk. 2000/- per person.

Club Business: President Mashud updated on the year beginning topics of interest. He announced that the 35 cheques have been received so far for dues and other payments. President requested  the Club treasurer to present more details during treasurer’s time in future.
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He also introduced three new members those who were approved on 29th June 2016, in the joint Board of Directors meeting and they are as follows:
·         Kazi Md. Nazrul Islam Sumon
·         Syed Akhtaruzzaman
·         Md. Shamsul Karim

Club treasurer started his discussion offering good wishes for “ Ramadan-ul-Mubarak”. He also stated the status of check collection. He briefly discussed the ex. treasurer report and present treasurer report. Moreover, he said that all dues should be paid by the members within July, 2016.

Members Time:
Rtn. Wasiuddin Al Mashud PHF thanked IPP Rtn. Salma Ahmed PHF and discussed about previous and present club activities. Rtn. Salma took time from president and special thanked to Rtn. PP Dr. A H Zahidul Islam (Romel) PHF, B, MD, PHS, Rtn. PP B. M. Shoaib PHF, Rtn. PP Riffat Jahan Lisa PHF, MD, Rtn. PP Khondakar Shahidul Hasan (Feroz) MPHF for their cordial support.

And she presented the award which had not been handed over to the following members.
·         Rtn. Sadekun Naher Shilpe PHF
·         Rtn. PE Suraiya Talukder MPHF

 Also she assured that she will always be ready to help in any kind of need for upholding the image of the club. She expected that  all members will be more active to achieve the  Club goals and she also hoped that the new president will take care of every club and district program in a befitting manner.

To honor all past presidents in 1st RWM meeting of year 2016-17 President gave floor to all past presidents who were present in the RWM and asked for their kind advice and suggestions to lead the club smoothly and living up to the reputation that RC Uttara currently enjoys.

Rtn. PP M. N. Kabir MPHF started his discussion with thanks to the all members. He ensured his support and cooperation to president and new Board.

Rtn. PP Khondakar Shahidul Hasan (Feroz) MPHF  thanked the president for his positive thinking and gave an announcement regarding Zakat and Zakat fund. He mentioned that some service projects are run with the Zakat Fund.

Rtn. PP B M Shoaib PHF gave his observation and emphasized on time management in meeting.

Rtn. PP Dr. A H Zahidul Islam (Romel) PHF, B, MD, PHS said that roster must be accurate and actual and pointed out some discrepancies.

Rtn. PP Mosharaf Hossain PHF said that he has been involved for long time in the Rotary Club and is proud to be a member of RC Uttara.

Rtn. PP Dr. Shahadat Hossain PHF, B, MD said that secretary and treasurer both are active and up-to-date. When new members are introduced in the club standard should be maintained. Training should be continued in every service and activities. We should discuss all important issues and mistakes to the BoD, not in regular weekly meeting.
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Rtn. PP Rifat Jahan Lisa PHF, MD said that every past president should try to help and cooperate with the sitting president.

Rtn. PP A F Kabir PHF said that all of us are helpful. He also expected that Rtn. Wasiuddin al Mashud PHF confidently can do everything with success everywhere but every Rotarian should cooperate with him for a successful year. He emphasized on inviting young and quality members.  He referred to a poem where he tried to underline the importance of RWM fellowship & fun.

Rtn. Masud A Khan PHF took floor by requesting the president and convey his message that, he will be going to attend United Nations Invitation “G20 SUMMITT”. Rtn. Masud A Khan PHF is the only delegate representing Bangladesh in  a grand global conference G20 Civil Society Summit 2016 in Qingdao, China; As many as 54 Countries will participate in this conference on 5th and 6th July 2016 for candid and In-depth discussions on the theme of "Poverty Eradication, Green Development, and Innovation: “Role of Civil Society" They share the view that, the world economy currently remains sluggish and growth lackluster; Major economies lack sufficient coordination in policies and develop on different tracks.

Finally President said to the Bulletin editor Rtn. Masud A. Khan PHF to arrange the bulletin cover page printing which was delayed due to Ramadan.

On Time Award: Sponsored by Rtn. Muktara Khanam PHF and Won by Rtn. Ayesha Siddiqua PHF

Perfect Time Award: Sponsored By Rtn. PP K S Hasan (Feroz) MPHF and Won by Rtn.

Announcement:  Club Secretary Rtn. Syed Shah Nazmul Hoque (Ripon) MPHF, B, PHS announced that the RWM 1198th will be held on the Friday July 15, 2016 at Uttara Club Ltd., Prim Rose Lounge (Swimming Pool Building) at 10.30am.

Sgt-At-arms report: Sgt.-At-Arms report, as under:

Date                    : 1st July 2016
Meeting number   : 1197
Total Member       : 71
Member Present   : 33
Fellowship missed : 37
Excused member  : 01
On Leave             : 00
Club Guest           : 00
Visiting Rotarian       : 00
Visiting Guest           : 01
Visiting Rotaractor    : 00
Visiting Intaractor     : 00
Visiting RCC member: 00
Make up in advance  : 04
Percentage in RWM   : 53.52%
Sunshine (Taka)        : 00

Meeting Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11.50 hours.

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